M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Can we colonize Mars ? | human on Mars | terraforming Mars | geoengeneering Mars

We have seen in sci-fi movies that how humans colonize Mars. How they make life possible there. They develop an ecosystem over there. They find a way to live without spacesuit or bottled oxygen over there. There are many things about Mars we have seen in sci-fi movies, tv shows and novels like The Martian, Red planet, John carter, Life , etc . But a question arises that is it possible to colonize Mars in real? The answer is YES, it is possible to colonize Mars, at least theoretically it is possible mn. let’s explore how.

Why Mars and not any other planets in solar system?

➢ Mars and Earth have their axis tilted in 
similar way, so both the planets experience similar seasonal and temperature variation.

➢ The length of the day is also similar on 
Mars. One Martian day (called SOL) is 24 hours and 40 minutes long. Where as one 
day on Earth is 23 hours 56 minutes long.

➢ Mars lies in the habitable zone of solar 

➢ NASA’s studies of Mars point towards the existence of water in the form of ice existing beneath the surface and there is ice water on polar ice caps.

➢ Our studies also show us that Mars was once habitable. There was abundant surface water and thick atmosphere on Mars. So,scientist think that Mars can be habitable once again.

➢ Pollution is a threat on Earth and 
produces negative effect but the scenario is different on Mars. Burning fossil fuel on Marswould produce positive effect as Mars is colder than Earth.

➢ Colony on Mars would allow mining of 
abundant amount of minerals and water 
over there. 

➢ Colonizing Mars would open a gate to 
the asteroid belt so that we would have 
access to minerals that would last for 
indefinite time.

How Mars is different from Earth?

➢ Mars is smaller in size than Earth. It is 0.53 times Earth. 

➢ Mars has less mass and low density than Earth. Its mass is 10.7% of Earth. The presence of lighter elements in the core results in low density of Mars.

➢ Martian atmosphere is also different. It is thin. It consists of: -
      ∆. Carbon dioxide - 96% 
      ∆. Nitrogen - 1.89%
      ∆. Oxygen - traces 

➢ The average temperature on Mars is -46oC whereas on Earth it is 14oC. That is too cold for humans to survive.

➢ There is low pressure on Martian surface (1% of Earth surface) which is too low for humans. Pressure on Earth suitable for humans as it keeps the gases, within the body, dissolved which not possible with the pressure on Mars.

➢ Mars has low magnetic field which is 1500nT whereas on Earth it is 25000nT to 65000nT. The magnetic field deflects most of the solar wind, whose charge particle would otherwise strip away the Ozone layer.

➢ Martian surface emits radiation. It emits 0.67 mSv radiation per day which is one-fifth of the radiation emitted on Earth in a year. This is fatal for humans.

How to make Mars habitable?

By Geo-Engineering and Terraforming, we can make Mars habitable. Geo-Engineering means to alter the geographic conditions of Mars by the use of technology. Terraforming means the hypothetical 
process of modifying the conditions of a planet to make it Earth-like. Theoretically it is possible to terraform Mars but practically we don’t have enough technology to make it possible.

How to Terraform and Geo-Engineer Mars?

1. Greenhouse effect: -

➢ Greenhouse effect is harmful, mostly, for Earth. But the scenario is different on Mars. Martian surface is cold so greenhouse effect can make it warmer and hence habitable. 
➢ Greenhouse effect can melt polar ice 
caps providing water.
➢ Greenhouse effect can make Martian
surface warmer and rich with oxygen.

➢ How to do it: -
     • we can import ammonia to Mars. 
       Ammonia is 1-part nitrogen and 3-                 parts hydrogen, nitrogen provide                   buffer combined with oxygen. This                 makes it breathable. Ammonia is                     powerful greenhouse gas. It can also               thicken the atmosphere, necessary                 habitable condition. 
    • Fluorine, super greenhouse gas, can               be used. Our studies show that                         fluorine rich minerals can be mined              on Mars.
   • Curiosity rover discovered the                         presence of methane on Mars.                         Methane isan important greenhouse               gas. 

2. Albedo reduction: -

 ➢ Due to thin atmosphere and heat from the sun is reflected back to space. This heat can be used to make surface warmer. 
 ➢ How to do it: -
      • Surface of Mars need to be coated               with dark material to increase the                   amount of sunlight absorbed 
      • The dark material can be:
           o Dust from the Martian moon                          (Phobos and Deimos)
           o Dark plants 
➢ The dark plants can be planted on polar ice caps to melt the ice and provide water.

3. Global warming: -

➢ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFC) can be imported to Mars and used to trigger global warming.
➢ Orbital mirror can be positioned on poles which would be able to sublimate CO2 ice sheet. 

4. Use of biodomes: -

➢ Biodomes are engineered ecosystems. 
➢ We can implant oxygen producing 
Cyanobacteria and Algae on Martian
➢ NASA and Tecshot are planning to build large biodomes to produce and harvest 
oxygen on Mars itself.
➢ This can increase the mission days and reduce the load of spacecraft which would be beneficial.

What are the Challenges in terraforming Mars?

 ➢ This process needs lots of resources. For global warming 39 million metric ton of CFC is needed, which is 3 times the amount producedbetween 1972 and 1992. 

➢ Photolysis would break CFC and this CFC would destroy the ozone layer.

➢ It is time taking process. The process can take centuries to: -
      • Create greenhouse effect
      • Melt polar ice caps
      • Create organisms that can survive is              harsh environment 

➢ This would need large infrastructure. At 
present, we have no practical method to make such long trips with the needed resources. We cannot transport the equipments needed for harvesting.

➢ To build factories and mining operations on Mars would need heavy payload rockets to get the machinery to Mars. This would take high cost which is difficult for us. 

➢ If we successfully get the machinery and needed resources to Mars and setup factories there, then also the operations need to be run for centuries.

Terraforming Mars would mean changing all the geographical conditions of the planet. If any life form is present on Mars, we are not sure about it, would be wiped out. This would mean genocidal attack on Mars. Is it ethical? this is a debatable 
topic. But, YES, we can colonize mars in the near future. But our technology needs to be more advanced than it is today. May be we are the last generation to die on Earth.


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