M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Parallel world: science fiction or reality | alternate universe | Parallel universe

What if I say you there are 7 different versions of you?? what if I say you there is a universe where ADOLF HITLER has won the 2nd world war? 

You will say, “you have gone crazy”. If that’s true then may be all the physicists have gone crazy. They say there infinitely many universes just like ours, where each and every one of us lives. We are going to put some light on the concept of parallel universe. let’s get there soon…

How did this crazy idea come into the mind of the physicist? 

There were many different kinds of mysteries which gave rise to this idea. I am going to discuss 
just 3 main ideas below: -

1.Deja vu: -

What is Deja vu? It is a very common feeling, we all have experienced it. Sometimes we feel like, “this event has happened with me before”. That feeling is called Deja vu. This feeling kept scientists puzzled for long time. Then finally they came to a solution and thought that it might be happening because our other version, who lives in parallel universe, have already faced those events. Somehow, we are connected with our alternate version, that’s why we feel like that. Hence, Deja vu gave rise to the idea of parallel world.

2.Quantum mechanics: -
Quantum mechanics is a different way to see the world, it is based on probability. It says that until we measure or see anything, it exists in all of its possible states. For example, you toss a coin, while the coin is in air it exists in both of its possible states i.e. Head as well as Tail. Until we take a look on the coin, we cannot say which state it actually represents. Simple, right? actually it is not that simple. According to Quantum mechanics, the other state just vanished and you got the result. What happened with the other states? Those states were the result of the same event in parallel universe. In fact, all the possibilities of an event occur simultaneously and for each possibility there is a parallel universe. This idea was given by Erwin Schrodinger, one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics. This was the 2nd main contribution towards the idea of PARALLEL WORLD.

3.Time travel: -
Since the idea of time travel came into 
existence, there are many paradoxes given
by various minds all around the globe. The main popular paradoxes are Grandfather 
paradox, Bootstrap paradox, Hitler paradox and few more. All these paradoxes, normally, have no solution, but if we connect it with the Parallel world concept then we get the solution to this problem easily. 

How is the problem solved? See, if all the 

events of time travel happen in the parallel universe then it won’t be affecting our universe and our present and future will 
remain as it had to be. In this way the paradox can be solved. This was the 3rd
important reason behind the Parallel world Concept.

These were the 3 main reasons behind the concept. There are many more reasons which force us to believe in this strange concept, but that don’t make sense, like:
• Why do we see dream? 
• Mystery of Bermuda triangle 
• Mystery of ghost, spirits, gods and such

These mysteries get solved with most accuracy, if we include the concept of parallel world with them. Now we are ready to know the different versions of the possible parallel world. 

Different parallel worlds 

There are basically 3 different versions of parallel world -
        1.Higher dimension or hyperspace 
        3.Quantum world 


We live in 4th dimensional world, out of which 3 are space dimensions and one is time as a dimension. Until Einstein proposed his Special Theory of Relativity, everybody believed that we live in 3-dimensional world. After the STR, time was considered as a dimension. Now physicist believe that there are more 
dimensions also. These higher dimensions are called Hyperspace.

In 1919, Theodor Kaluza proposed the idea of 5th dimension. He said that there is a higher dimension that is curled up and too small for us to see. There is a reason to believe in this idea. 

We know that light is a wave but every wave vibrates something. We don’t know what do light waves vibrate and why can’t we see it? The idea of 5th dimension tells that light wave vibrates something in the higher dimension. That’s why we are not able to see it like I explained about the 4th dimension in the article on invisibility

Theodor, when made 5th dimension smaller and smaller, used it in the general relativity equation, the equation split into 2 parts, one represented the special relativity and the other Maxwell’s theory of light. This gave the hope of getting the ultimate Theory of Everything.

Everything was well explained except 2 most fundamental questions. Firstly, what was the size of 5th dimension? Secondly, how did the 5th dimension curled up? Theodor couldn’t answer these questions and hence this idea lost its importance. The string theory also predicts the presence of 10 dimensions, contributing to the hyperspace concept. The hyperspace concept is one of the versions of parallel world, the higher dimensions are nothing but parallel world in disguise

The space is beyond our reach, so it is logical to believe that it is infinite. There is also a strong possibility to believe that there can be many universes just like ours having the planets like ours. This is the concept of multiverse, meaning many universes.

Physicists believe that there are trillions upon trillions (almost infinite) universes. There is possibility that most of the universe are dead by now. there is also the strong possibility that there is, at least, one universe just like ours. 

The multiverse if exist must be the mirror image of our own. Some scientists also believe that in that universe alternate outcomes of all big events must have occurred. In that universe, Hitler might have won the WWII, the Britishers didn’t rule on Indians and many more such possibility. This goes crazier when some scientists also claimed that there is a universe for every choice made by us. Like your choice to read this article gave rise to a whole different universe.

This is the craziest concept but we can neither prove it nor falsify it. This is the second version of parallel world. 

3. Quantum world 

Quantum Theory is the most accurate one. The quantum theory predicts, and it is verified, that electron can be in many possible states at the same time. 

We know that universe at its origin was just the size of electron. So, if many states are possible for electron, and universe was one the size of an electron, then universe must exist in all its possible states. Hence, giving a new version to 
the parallel world concept. 

According to this all of us exist in all of our possible states at the same time. That means we are in the not born state, child state, adult state, old state, etc. all at the same moment. This is crazy. Out of all the possible states the present state is the winner. 

You can imagine this world with this example. Imagine of the room with a radio. There are number of frequencies in the room from different radio stations. But the radio tunes with just one of the frequencies. Likewise, we have 
tuned with one of the many possible states. Out of all the versions, this is the scariest and craziest. 

There are few more versions like the Bubble Universe, the string universe and many more, but these are the more believable and popular 

Is the parallel world, concept of science or … ? 

This concept is more philosophical than 
scientific. A scientific concept is one which can be verified by experimenting or by observing, both of which is not possible, till date, for parallel world concept. So, we can say that it falls into pseudoscience (the concept which seems to be scientific but can’t be testified, falsified and refuted).

It is very hard to believe that there exists another universe just like ours. That too having same people, planets, stars and everything same. It is next to impossible. The only way to verify it is to find wormholes, which are the gateway to 
parallel universe. 

The possibility of finding parallel world is very less, but not zero. So, it is also possible that one day this would become reality. The main goal to prove it and find it should be the quest for wormhole. Till now that is the only ray of hope. 

What are your views on this? let me know…

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  1. Bravo... Very well written balanced article from multiple perspectives...

    1. Thankyou ❤️❤️❤️ keep supporting 🤗🤗🤗


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