M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Brain myths | Do we use only 10% of our brain??? | human brain myth

We always hear that human is the most intelligent being on Earth, but do we really know why are we the most intelligent being on Earth? Is our brain bigger than other beings? Have we discovered every secret of our brain? 

Now let me answer the questions one by one. First, we are still unaware about most parts of our brain. Our brain is one the most complex things we have ever encountered. We have conducted many studies but are unable to understand this complex thing completely. Secondly, size of the brain doesn’t determine the intelligence level. Size of the brain is proportional to the size of the body. Bigger the body, bigger is the brain. For example, the largest brain is of Sperm Whale which weighs 8 Kg, Elephant’s brain weighs 5 Kg whereas human brain weighs just 1.3 Kg. so, it is clear that size of the brain is not responsible for our intelligence. 

Let me break one of the biggest myths about human brain…….

We use only 10% of the brain?
It is a myth that we use just 10% of our brain. This myth has its origins in the early 20Th century. 

Origin: -
One of the major reasons of the origin of this myth was the misunderstanding of the neurological research in late 19th century. The function of cerebral cortex is complex, so scientist wondered what was its work? They didn’t get the answer then, so they thought it won’t be working instead. The 
scientist discovered glial cells, which seemed to have very minor function. In 1930s, scientist knew about large number of Local Neurons in the brain, there was a misunderstanding of the function of these local brain neurons. All these led to the 10% myth. 

The myth got popular because of some of the popular authors and professor used it in their work.
✓ In 1907, Willian James, a Psychologist at Harvard University, told to the audience, at his lecture, that the average man develops only 10% of his latent mental ability.
✓ In 1920s, the book Mind Myths: Exploring Popular Assumptions About the Mind and Brain,included a chapter on this idea. 
✓ In 1932, John W. Campbell, wrote a short story based on this myth. 
✓ In 1936, Dale Carnegie, in his most popular self help book How to Win Friends and Influence People used the statement of William James. This popularized the idea even more.

All these are those events which made this myth more popular. People easily believed it as all these persons were most reputed one. Since then it is the pet idea of sci-fi movies, series and novels. We have also heard it from our teachers in school days. Since then it has been repeated so many times that it got set in our brain. 

Analysis: -
Neurologist Barry Gordon described this as myth. He says, ” we use virtually every part of the brain, and that most of the brain is active all the time.” Neuroscientist Barry Beyerstein gave evidence to break this myth, which are: -

1. The unused cells get automatically 
degenerated. If we were using just 10% of our brain then autopsy would reveal large scale degeneration of brain cells. Surprisingly, this don’t happen. 

2. Even a slight damage to smallest area of our brain has profound effect on our body. If we were using only 10% of our brain then this shouldn’t happen.

3. Brains scans, like PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan, have revealed that every part of our brain is active all the time, even when we are sleeping. 

4. Decades of research, on our brain, has not yet found a single functionless area of our brain. 

5. Human brain which is just 2% of the body weight, consumes 20% of the oxygen and nutrients, highest than any other body part. If 90% of it was unused then the selection process would have eliminated. But that’s not the case.

6. If 10% myth is true then small brain would have survival advantages for us as small brain would consume less oxygen and nutrients.

7. If 90% of the brain is unused then how did it evolve to such a big size. We know that larger brain increases the death risk in childbirth.

All these points are valid and prove that the statement,” we use only 10% of our brain is a myth”. 

There are some more myths about our brain lets break them one by one: -

1. People are dominated by brain’s 
This is myth. What does it mean to be dominated by brains hemisphere? Some people use their left hand more (called lefty) and some people use right hand more (called righty), likewise dominated by brain’s hemisphere means to use particular hemisphere more. In 2013, a study was conducted which took a look at 3D pictures of over 1,000 people’s brain. The MRI scan revealed that all people used both their brain’s hemisphere. So, the study proved that we are dominated by brains hemisphere is a myth. 

2. Alcohol kills brain cells 
This a myth. It has been found that even in heavy drinker, his brain cells are not damaged. Drinking alcohol do damage the end of neurons which make it difficult for neurons to communicate with each other. Due to this the way of communication inside the brain is changed. But brain cells are not killed by the consumption of alcohol. If a pregnant women drinks alcohol, it can affect the brain of the baby. As a result of this baby can suffer from lifelong physical or behavioral or intellectual disabilities. 

3. Brain develops wrinkles as it learns
something new
Our brain initially didn’t have wrinkles. A fetus in its early stage has brain without wrinkles. As it grows its brain also increases in size, so to fit into that limited space brain develops wrinkles. By the time fetus reaches week 40, its brain is as wrinkled as your brain. Therefore, it’s a myth that brain develops wrinkles as we develop new information.

Our Brain is the most powerful thing we have ever Encountered. It can do wonders if used rightly, it can cause disasters if misutilised. The team of scientists is researching on How much % of our Brain we really use. Soon our understanding of our Brain will reveal many of it's hidden secrets till then we have to keep striving for the truth. 


  1. Great Job researcher.
    Kudos to you.
    You're our future

    1. Thankyou ❤️❤️❤️ keep supporting 🤗🤗🤗 ameen


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