M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Can we escape the universe??

The fate of the universe is destined - the universe will end sooner or later. What if we could escape the universe? The multiverse is big and different universe will end at different time, so there is a chance of saving humanity.
The known universe is 93 billion light years wide. If we are able to travel faster than light then also it will take minimum 93 billion years to reach the end of the known universe. The age of the universe is about 14 billion years, so you can imagine the thought of escaping is so bizarre. But what if I say you there are some options using which we can escape the universe? 

As we have discussed we have plenty of time before universe meets its fate, so we can start planning from now. our present technology is not at all capable of any interstellar travel but in the future we can become capable. There are several types of civilizations which are capable of escaping the fate, if we advance to become one of those types, we can do what we desire. Let’s take a look at them…


In 1960, Nikolai Kardashev categorized the advanced civilizations into several categories based on their overall energy consumption. Those are:

I. TYPE I civilization 
These are the advanced beings capable of utilizing all the planetary forms of energy. This means they can utilize all the solar energy that is incident on their planet. In terms of power that is 10^16 watts (10 billion million watts). By doing so they can develop the technology using which they can control weather, change course of hurricanes, build cities on ocean and many more such things. 

II. TYPE II civilization 
These are the more advanced civilization which can utilize the energy of an entire star. That means all the energy of our sun. In terms of power it is 10^26 watts. They can control solar flares (sudden emission of radiation from sun), can ignite their star, can colonize other planets of solar system, can start interstellar travel and much more. In other words, we can say they could potentially be immortal

III. TYPE III civilization
The beings of TYPE III civilization can utilize the power of their entire solar system. In terms of power which is 10^36 watts. They can colonize large portion of their home galaxy. 

Each civilization’s energy utilization capacity is 10 billion times more than the previous one. Here a question comes to my mind …

What kind of civilization are we? 
Based on energy consumption, Kardashev divided the civilizations into TYPE I, TYPE II, TYPE III, etc. and Carl Sagan further divided each type into 10 subdivisions. For example TYPE I.1 civilization would be able to consume 10^17 watts of energy, TYPE I.2 would be able to consume 10^18 watts of energy. If we compare our total global energy consumption today, it comes out to be 10^13 watts. So, we can be categorized as TYPE 0.7 civilization. 

Carl Sagan also categorized us on the basis of total information stored. The information can be in the form of spoken language, written text or photograph. He took a survey of all the books stored in Libraries and the no. pages those books contained, based on that he concluded that there is 10^13 bits of information. If we include the photographic data then it 
increases to 10^15 bits. This categorizes us as TYPE H civilization. 

So, combining both the methods of division we are TYPE 0.7 H civilization. We can become TYPE I civilization in next centuries to come. Now comes the Crucial question…

How can we become more advanced civilization? 

We are actually moving on the right path which can make us advanced civilization like discussed above. Some indications which are similar to that an advanced civilization would have: 

We have found a way which can connect the whole world. It has become the global communication system. I am referring to the World Wide Web, Internet.

We have succeeded in changing the environmental conditions like pollution, global warming, etc. Don’t take me wrong, I know these are not good but we have realized our mistake and are using it for our benefit. We are also struggling to control it. But this is an indication of advancement of technology.

We can predict many future events in advanced like the comet attack, weather forecast, eclipse and many more things. Although those are not that accurate but we are improving 

We also have a global language of communication. English is the largest language spoken in the whole world. 

There are many more such things which indicate that in the few more centuries to come we will become the advanced civilizations we desire to become now. 

Although we need to work on many things. We need to pay more attention on solar energy. It is clean, free and easily available. We need to improve our research and development more. This can automatically make our technology advanced and lead us towards TYPE I civilisation. 

How can we escape the universe? 

There are several methods but we will take a look at those methods only which have higher chances of becoming reality in the far future. Those are: -

1.Wormholes or White holes

Wormholes are the shortcuts in the fabric of space-time which connect two different universes or 2 different parts of the same universe. According to Einstein’s field equations, it can be found at the center of Kerr ring Blackhole (in simple words,a rotating blackhole). In order to confirm the presence of a wormhole, we need to send probes inside the blackhole. 

Here comes the big problem, the trip through a blackhole is a one-way trip. Secondly, there is an intense radiation field near the blackhole. So, the probe needs to be perfectly shielded.Thirdly, blackhole have strong gravity so time slows as we get close to the blackhole time would vanish at the center of blackhole. 

Even if we overcome these problems, there is another challenge related to the stability of wormhole. Blackhole may collapse before the complete passage of the probe. It depends on the quantum correction and in order to solve this we need The Theory of Everything which we don’t have at present.

White hole is one of the solutions of Einstein’s field equation. It is basically the opposite of Blackhole. Blackhole takes everything while white hole throws out everything. 

Wormholes, dimensional gateways, cosmic strings and white hole might have formed naturally at the time of Big Bang. We have not seen any of these but are constantly looking for them in the wide space. They can be confirmed or disproved based on the detection by Space Detectors.

2.Create baby universe 

Before that we need to know what led to the creation of our own universe. The big Bang theory explains it very well. It says that the universe began from a single point with a sudden burst and lot of energy was released. After that the universe started expanding and is continued today also. Same conditions can lead to a Baby Universe. 

This idea was proposed by Alan Guth. The basic idea is to recreate the conditions in lab which led to the creation of our own universe. To do so we need 10^89 protons, 10^89 electrons, 10^89 positrons, 10^89 neutrons, 10^89 neutrinos, 10^89 antineutrinos. 

It would take a small amount of matter inside a false vacuum, just like the condition which led to Big Bang. The tiny matter needs to be compressed to small volume of about 10^-26 cubic centimeter. But compressing the matter into such a small volume can lead the baby universe to get converted into Blackhole. 

Another method to create baby universe is to heat a small region of space to a temperature of 10^29 degrees and then cool it rapidly. In this way the baby universe can appear from nowhere just like our own universe. The heat can be generated using particle beam or laser beam. There is also a danger involved, this can evaporate and create Hawking Radiation (evaporation from the blackhole). Let me give you a feel of the intensity of the heat - it would be 25 times more energetic than the Hiroshima Bomb explosion during World War II. But with the advancement of technology we will surely find some effective method to avoid this. 

There are lots of problems in the way to create a baby universe even in theory. But I am sure the advanced civilization can fix them all and lead to a baby universe. If not, there is another way also…. 

3.Create WARP drive 

Warp drive is actually a hypothetical drive which is capable of Faster than light Travel. The idea of warp Drive was given by Miguel Alcubierre in 1994. The drive is a big spherical shaped space craft made up of negative as well as positive energy and matter. In theory, the device can shrink the space at the front and expand the space at the back. The positive energy cancompress the space while the negative energy can lengthen it. In this way we are not moving but the space fabric is shrinking. Where can we get the negative energy?

Actually, there is lot of negative energy in the space itself. During the event of big bang, there was a burst of large amount of positive energy. But as the universe was created from nowhere, scientists believe that the some amount of negative energy was also created during the event of big bang. We just need to find a way to extract it. 

The Casimir effect comes into action here. The conducting plates when separated by a distance of 10^-33 centimeter, create negative energy. The separation is too small to be achieved by ordinary mass. This is beyond the scope of today’s technology but as mentioned above all this will be needed when we become the advanced civilization. So, with the advancement of technology we will be able to either generate negative energy or extract it. The negative energy can also open and stabilize the wormhole. Faster than light travel can help in escaping the fate of the universe. We have discussed faster than light travel in more details in a previous post. 

These are the top 3 ways which can help humans to escape the universe and also their fate. 

We have plenty of time. There are many things today which were seemed to be impossible few decades ago. So, who knows our future generation finds some science to avoid the end of the universe or discover some dimensional gateway or anything totally unimaginable today? I am totally optimistic and I believe what is theory today will become reality in the future. 

What are your views on this topic, let me know in the comments below?


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