M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Can Robots Rule Humans ? | how to teach robots? | robots and artificial intelligence

We have seen in movies, read in science fictions that how robots rule humans or try to destroy humanity and try to become human alike. We have seen in Avengers age of Ultron, Ultron who was created to save earth from external threats, soon identifies humans as the biggest threat to Earth and plans to destroy humanity. We have also seen in the movie matrix, how humans were under the control of machines and they were unaware. The Indian movie robot is also a good example of it, Chiti, an andro-humanoid robot created for military services develops emotions and falls in love for a girl and tries to kill all those who come in his way. How humans can be ruled by robots? How robots can turn into rebel? How robots can get evolved so much that they would destroy their own creator, human? How can a machine develop emotions? There are many examples from sci-fi movies like The terminator, star trek, the wizard of Oz, the matrix, AI and many more. But here a big question arises CAN ROBOTS RULE HUMANS IN REAL? That humans who have created robots.  Who have equipped them with all the necessities?

Let’s explore the answer………

What is a robot?
Robot is a machine that works automatically and can do some actions that humans can also do but robots make it easy and fast. The robots do repeatative actions. The robots are taken in good use in factories, for food sorting, for medical training, for police training, for extracting poison and many other sectors take robot in good use. Robots interact with physical world and are programmed to do specific tasks. They can do autonomous and semi-autonomous tasks. These types of robots are no threat to humans. What is Artificial Intelligence or AI? AI involves computer program to complete tasks. It, unlike robots, works on algorithms. It can tackle learning, problem solving, logical reasoning and many more. AI, unlike robots, don’t interact with the physical world. AI make human work easier. These are also not a threat to humanity.

Some famous examples are: -
• google assistant 
• GPS route finder
• Online e-commerce like amazon, flipkart
• Siri and Alexa
• Email Spam filter
• Online banking
• Uber, Ola, Zomato, Swiggy ….

We are surrounded by AI and we don’t even realize. 

 Humans versus Artificial intelligence
In the past there were few events in which humans were defeated by AI some of the famous events are: -

• Deep blue, an AI, beat the world chess 
champion Gary Kasparov in 1997. 

• Another AI beat world Go player Champion Lee Sedol in 2016.

• An AI called flow machines, in collaboration with French songwriter Benoit Carre, created an unexpected EuroPOp album.

There are many examples where AI has proved to be better than humans. But that doesn’t mean that humans are inferior. 

What are artificially intelligent robots?
Robotics and artificial intelligence are not samething. Robot and AI individually are no threat to humans. But when they both are combined together,called artificially intelligent robot, they can be a threat to humanity. Artificially intelligent robots are physical robots with artificial intelligent similar to humans, of course not all human alike.

Some examples of artificially intelligent robots are: 

• Warehouse robot which takes the use of 
path finding algorithm to find path 

• Drones which can navigate autonomously 

• Self-driving car which can detect and avoid potential hazards on road

• Cleaning robots like vacuum cleaner, floor cleaner, lawn mowers which can work without human assistance

• Home security and surveillance 

• Autopilot system

There are lots of examples where artificially intelligent robots have proved to be helpful to humans. Till now they have not been any threat to us. 

How do artificially intelligent robots interpret things?
We humans when we enter into a room, we can easily recognize the things like chair, table, etc. but that is not the case with robots. Robots take the picture and break that picture into pixels. Then interpret it pixel by pixel. The robots don’t see the chair as chair, instead it sees it as combination of lines. That’s why it takes a lot of time, compared to humans, for robot to actually identify what it sees. Robots can see and hear better than us but they  can’t understand what they see and hear.

To take a feel of it John Searle, a philosopher, gave Chinese room test. Imagine you are sitting inside a room with a Chinese guy. You don’t understand a single word of Chinese. Now assume that you have a book that allows you to rapidly translate Chinese and manipulate its characters. If the person asks you a question in Chinese, you merely manipulate the characters, without understanding what it means, and give credible answer. The essence of the argument is that robots canmanipulate words without understanding its meaning. Robots can master syntax (grammar, structure, etc.) but not its meaning. No robot till date can understand the children story read to it. There are 2 big challenge in front of scientists to teach robots : -
1. Pattern recognition 
2. Common sense 

There are two different approaches to teach robots: 
1. Top-Down Approach
2. Bottom-Up approach

Top down approach 
This is a complicated approach. When a child is born it has enough intelligence to learn things by its own. We don’t need to teach a kid how to feed breast, how to sleep, how to cry, how to breathe, how to swallow food and many more things kid learn right after its birth by its own. But robots are way different.
Top down approach is to feed instruction for each and everything we want robots to do. That means programming each law of common sense and pattern recognition into the artificial brain of robot. It is tougher than it seems. There is no particular law of common sense. We know that father is older than son, water is wet, eyes are to see, we are born from our mother and not father, and many more things. These things are a consequence of our subconscious brain and not conscious brain. We make millions of decisions from our subconscious brain that we don’t even realize.

Bottom-Up approach
This is an attempt to recreate the way a baby learns things. Baby learns to walk, talk and do many such things by looking at his surrounding people. He tries to copy them. Scientist are trying to find a way to make robots learn things as babies do. This approach is comparatively easy. Take for example YouTube, when you search something it develops cookies and that cookies help it to identify your interest areas. That’s why you get similar videos on your homepage. In this way YouTube can help you find better results according to your desire. This is a relatable example of how bottom up approach works.
 Till now we are not successful in making any of the 2 approaches work completely in our favor.

 Humans learn using Top-Down and Bottom-up approach combinedly. In other words, in top down approach information is fed to our brain from outside source like from books, school, college,television etc. On the other hand, in bottom up approach, we learn things by our own like learning from our surrounding, from our past experiences, etc. If we succeed in mimicking the way we human learn things than we will create robots that could be threat to humanity. There is no physical law that prevents us from creating robots that are threat to humanity. It is not wrong to say that in the near future we will create our own destroyers. 

What is the need of such advanced robots? 
There are many things we humans can’t do or are difficult for us to do. In these situations, robots come into action. Some examples are: -

• We can’t go so long way to mars that’s why we have sent robots on mars. The robots are programmed to collect data and send it 
back to us.

• Robots can do repetitive work easily, 
precisely and way faster than we can do,
without any complaint.

• Robots can explore secrets of the deep 
ocean, what is beneath the earth surface,
many secretes of the space and can also find what lies inside an active volcano, which is not possible for humans.

• Robots can be used for border protection. Hence saving human life.

There are many more examples in which robots can be used to make human work easier. That’s why so many research are going on to make robots more advanced, so that they can help humans. We need such advanced robots and in order to create such advanced robots we need to follow the approaches discussed above. These approaches can create our destroyer robots too. 

Problem with present day robots 
Robots can solve biggest mathematical problems easily. They can do logical reasoning and analysis within minutes, which is time taking for humans. They can play and win in chess and such strategic games. One thing is common in all the things robot can do and that is THERE ARE SPECIFIC LAWS set for those things to be done.

 But robots can’t do simple things,which a baby can do like identifying the things kept inside a room within fraction of seconds. Robots sent to mars send us the amount of information in 6 months that a human can send in just 2 hours. We can use the robots for repetitive work more precisely but not for those things which need human like intelligence. Robots think rationally but humans think  Rationally , emotionally and based on paste experience which makes human intelligent. If we were to think only rationally then we would end up making no decision. Our emotions play important role in making our decisions. We know when to take the decision to eat because our hunger directs us. Robots are like the donkey in the Pable who couldn’t decide which side should he go to eat the grass and end up dying of hunger. Robots need to be instructed for everything. They can do those tasks which are based on certain laws like chess, chess is pure result of combination of moves which are tough for us to analyze but very easy for robots. 

It is clear from the above discussion that it is not impossible for humans to create human like advanced robot in the near future. Elon musk says, “AI doesn’t have to be evil to destroy humanity- if AIhas certain goals and humanity just happens in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feeling.” Robots as harsh and dangerous as shown in the movie are not possible with today’s technology, but in future our technology will get developed and we would discover advanced techniques and methods to build such andro-humanoid robots, but for at least 10 to 15 more years we can relax. Stephen Hawkings says,” success in creating AI would be the biggest event in the human history. Unfortunately, it might be also the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risk.” We know that robots can be more intelligent than humans in the near future, so we need to be prepared for the consequences. Else ROBOTS WILL SUCCEED IN RULINGS HUMANS.


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