Bermuda triangle has always been a mystery. Many planes and ships have went missing. Many people have lost their lives.
What is the reason behind all these mysterious disappearances? Is there an alien base camp? Are the people of Atlantis responsible? Or
Is there any scientific explanation behind all these disappearances?
There are many movies made and books written highlighting these reasons. We will take a look at some of the theories and find out the facts. We will try to get the real reason behind all this.
Let’s get started…
Bermuda triangle is an area made up of the imaginary line joining Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. It is also called Devil’s triangle. This is not the official area and It is mentioned differently by different writers. It is not mentioned in the map as "Bermuda triangle". The term "Bermuda Triangle" was coined by Vincent Gaddis in 1964 for a magazine article. The name eventually got popular after many books written on the topic and many movies made. All these popularized the area and led to many conspiracy theories: some logical, some scientific, some paranormal and some out of the world. Before looking at the theories lets take a look at some of the Strange things reported.
There are many cases of the mysterious disappearances taking place in the Bermuda triangle area. Some of the events have the survivors and some have no trace at all, neither the debris nor the crew members were found. Let’s take a look at some of the cases: -
1. In 1492, Christopher Columbus witnessed some great fire flame, sudden weather change and magnetic compass malfunction. This happened when he was on his way to discover the new world, while passing through the area now called Bermuda triangle. He mentioned it in his diary.
2. 4th December 1872, Mary Cleste a missing ship was found. When the ship went missing few weeks ago, there were 7 crew members, the ship captain, his wife and his 2 years old daughter on the ship. When the ship was found, everything was intact except the crew members and the life boats.
3. In 1918, USS Cyclops a Navy Cargo ship went missing between the Barbadas and the Chesapeake Bay. All the 300 men went missing without any SOS distress signal. The rescue mission found no wreckage.

4. 5th December 1945, five Navy bombers went missing in Florida. There were all total 14 men. The rescue team also went missing. Before the flight 19 (team leader) went missing a message was received from the pilot “everything looks strange, even the ocean.”
5. In 1969, two keepers of the Great Isaac Lighthouse, Bahamas went missing.
6. 23rd February 2017, a Turkish airline flight had some mechanical and electrical disturbances and was forced to change the direction from Havana to Washington Dulles Airport.
There are many more mysterious cases. It is difficult to mention them all here. From 1945 to 1965, 165 casualties with 19 survivors were reported in the air and 17 casualties after 1965 with 6 survivors. Up to 1963, 725 casualties were reported in the sea and 35 casualties after 1963.
There are some theories trying to explain the mysterious disappearances.
1.Weather condition
It is reported that the area has unpredictable weather conditions. Hurricanes, storms, tidal waves, etc. visit the area frequently. This can create the water spots creating the underwater trenches. The tidal waves are the massive waves reaching up to the height of 100 feet.
The frequent lighting and the unpredictable weather can cause the machinery failure and the loss of track. The underwater trenches can lead to the sinking of the ships.
2.Magnetic Anomaly
The agonic lines pass The Bermuda triangle area sometimes. The agonic line causes the true north to coincide with the magnetic north. This causes the loss of track of the direction. Hence leading the ships and the aircrafts sink in the vast ocean.
3. Flammable methane gas
The tests conducted in the area reported the presence of methane gas in large quantity. The lighting occurring frequently can spark the flammable methane gas and lead the ship to sink.
4.Human error
The obvious reason can be the pilot’s or ship captain’s error. A small error can lead to a big accident.
5. Time portal
This theory suggest that the area must be having a time portal or some rift in the fabric of space-time. This can lead to the ship and planes to get vanished into another dimension or parallel world.
6.Alien base camp
It suggests that there is some sort of alien base camp and they don’t allow anybody to get into that area.
7.Atlanteans are responsible
Atlantis is mythical city lost in the Atlantic Ocean. This theory suggests that the Atlanteans are responsible for this mysterious disappearance. Feels like Aqua-man has turned into an evil.
These are the popular theories. Most of them are just conspiracy theories and have no base argument. While some of them are based on natural and scientific phenomena. None of the theories is successful in explaining all the disappearances completely. Now let me present some facts before you and then you yourself decide whether there is any mystery or just a big lie.
Here are some of the facts about the Bermuda Triangle area: -
1. In 2013, World Wide Fund (WWF) for nature list published a list of World’s 10 most dangerous water for Shipping and didn’t include the Bermuda triangle area. This shows that the area is safe for shipping.
2. The US government never recognized this area of the ocean as actual threat.
3. The frequency of disappearances is not more in Bermuda Triangle than any in other area of the Atlantic Ocean.
4. This area sustains heavy traffic both from the air as well as from the sea. This is also one of the most heavily Travelled shipping lanes in the world.
5.We don’t know the exact number of missing ships and airplanes. But it is estimated more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes have went missing so far.
6.Our GPS system has improved in the last few years. The statistics have shown the decrease in the missing cases over the Bermuda triangle after the development of powerful GPS.
7. The Bermuda triangle falls in the range of the Agonic line. (the agonic line is responsible for the coinciding true north with the magnetic north).
8. The region faces frequent weather changes like hurricanes, storms, etc.
9. The area is travelled by many cargo ships and Cruise without going missing.
10. We have more information about Andromeda galaxy than the oceans of our own planet. The ocean is very deep and mariners are not able to go deep down there.
Here are the cases, theories and facts before you. You can decide is this a Mystery or some sort of exaggeration? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Most of the writers became millionaire selling books on this topic. Their work was mostly continuation of the previous writers. So, the sloppy research, baseless arguments, lack of real investigation, exaggerated numbers, misconception and rumors were the reason for popularizing this idea. In fact, there is no mystery. It is a myth like the myth that we just use 10% of our brain. Moreover, it was also observed that the author’s claims and the coast guard’s statements were opposite. The writers did this to sell the copies of the book. If we are able to send a search team inside the water, we can get the debris of the ships and airplanes that went missing.
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