M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Truth about Alien's existence | extraterrestrial Life | UFO |

The multiverse is very vast, so who knows there might be beings like us. Those beings are what we refer to while saying 
Aliens. We have heard many stories related to aliens but none of us have ever seen an alien. What do the aliens look like? Will they be friendly to us like the aliens in the movie arrival, pk, etc. or they will be harmful to us like in the movies Men in black, The Independence Day, etc.? 

Our imagination has predicted many different types of aliens that might be present in the vast multiverse. The cartoon shows like BEN 10 were solely based on the aliens having extraordinary powers and sharing them with us.

What is the possibility of existence of aliens? Where should we start our quest? Have we ever tried to communicate with aliens? How much is the truth in the stories of UFO? 

Aliens Shown in Movies 

You would be shocked to know that scientist have discovered alien life on many planets. But those lives are not what we are searching for. We are in search of Intelligent life like us but those discovered life is a form of microorganism. In the later sections the word alien would be used to indicate intelligent alien life. 

Let’s get to the topic and start finding the answers…

Why does life exist on Earth? 

This is very important question because we have discovered thousands of planets so far but none of them has life on it. Why only Earth has life? Luckily, we have concrete answer to this question. It is very true that we are lucky to fulfil all the criteria needed to sustain life. There is a scientific base for all the criteria. Those are: -

1.Earth is in Goldilocks zone

Goldilocks zone means that our home planet, Earth, is in the right position from both the Sun as well as from the center of our milky way galaxy. If Earth were little closer to the sun, then the water bodies would have boiled. If Earth were little far from the sun, then the water bodies would have freeze. 

Earth in Goldilocks Zone 

The similar is the condition regarding the distance of Earth from the center of our galaxy. If Earth were little close to the center, we would be in the radius of dangerous radiations that would have killed all the living beings. If Earth were little far from the center, then we would not be able to recreate DNA and protein, the base of life on Earth. So, being in the Goldilocks zone is important to sustain life. 

2.Presence of Jupiter

The planet Jupiter throws away the comets and meteors away from Earth. If Jupiter were not present, Earth would have frequent visits by the comets and the meteors. It would have made survival of life impossible. Therefore, presence of Jupiter like planet is also important in order to sustain life. 

3. Presence of Moon 

The presence of large size moon stabilizes the Earth’s spin. It is very important for the stability and sustainability of life as it causes day and night. 

Earth's Moon 

4. Earth’s strong magnetic field 

Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the solar wind. This solar wind is the collection of charged particles, mainly electrons and protons. This solar wind is harmful for the living beings and the Earths magnetic field deflects it away form Earths surface. Thus, presence of strong magnetic field is also a criteria to sustain life. 

Earth's Magnetic Field 

5. The speed of rotation of Earth

Earth’s speed of rotation is perfect. If it were little slow, then the part of Earth exposed to sun would have been too hot and the other part too cold to survive. If it were little fast then it would have caused violent weather condition. 

Due to these reasons’ life is possible on Earth. Although there are many more conditions like presence of water, breathable air, and many more. Those conditions are very well known by all of us, thanks to high school. We need to search for these conditions in order to find life on other planets. Now, a question comes to mind that…

What do aliens look like? 

When we think of aliens something like this come to our mind: -

Alien we imagine 

The aliens shown in movies are highly inspired by the imagination of the humans and also on the observation of other creatures present on Earth. Is there any way to predict how the aliens like? The answer is YES, we can predict the looks of aliens, their eating habits, their size and many more things by using the laws of science.

Scientist say that there need to be 3 basic things aliens need to have: -
• Eyesight or any sensing mechanism to know about their surrounding environment
• Something like hands to grab things. It can be claws or tentacles or similar thing 
• Any sort of communication system, like humans have tongue and ears. 

These are the 3 basic requirements for a living creature on any planet. Some of our laws also predict that they would be Carnivores, mostly. The scales law predicts that aliens must resemble humans in size. The scale law says, “the laws of physics change as we increase the size of scale”. 

If the aliens have different DNA and protein structure than we do, they would be not interested in Eating or mating with us. What about the UFOs?


UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. Mostly it is associated with the suspected alien activity. Generally, this is a misconception as any Unidentified Flying Object can be named UFO. 

UFO - Unidentified Flying Object

There are many reported cases of UFO, right from the time before Christ around 1440 BC. But we 
would focus on few of the latest and unique kind of cases only. 
• In 1561, a large black triangular object was seen in Nuremberg 
• In 1566, a celestial phenomenon (like supernova explosion, pulsars, etc.) in Basel, Switzerland.
• In 1878, John martin, a local farmer saw a flying saucer in Denison.
• In 1917, thousands of people saw UFO in Portugal. 
• In 2008, UFO’s picture was captured in Turkey and 2 alien’s head were visible. 

These were few of the many UFO sightings. A number of studies have been conducted to check the authenticity of these UFO sightings. Almost 95% of the sightings can be categorized in any of the following categories: -

1. They can be planets, bright stars, meteors, satellite, etc. 

Celestial Event

2. They can be weather balloon, research balloon and similar things. 

Balloon as UFO

3. Swamp gases also give the look of an UFO. Swamp gas is the mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. It is produced naturally and can give the impression of ship.

4. Radar waves bounce off mountains and create echoes giving the look of UFO on the Radar detector. 

Radar Echoes

5. It can be any commercial or military aircraft 

6. Lastly, it can be deliberate hoaxes spread by powerful organizations or countries to conduct their secret work easily without being noticed by the main stream media. 

Remaining 5% are unexplained till date and those are one the main reasons to believe that we are not alone in this vast multiverse. But we don’t have any evidence to support that intelligent life had been to Earth. 

Why it is hard to verify the Truth about Aliens ? 

We have no evidence to support the claim, like: -
• Alien DNA
• Alien computer chip 
• Physical evidence of landing 
• Clear picture of spaceship 
• Any scientist kind of person seeing the phenomenon happening 

That’s why it is very difficult to verify the claims. Moreover, it is noticed that the person claiming has previous believes in the existence of alien life before the sightings. So, it could be hallucination

Attempts to communicate with intelligent aliens

In the past there were many attempts made to communicate with aliens but all in vain. Some of the notable attempts are: 
1. The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. It used microwave radiation around the frequency of 1420 Giga Hertz to communicate. 
2. The Project Ozma used 25m radio telescope 
3.In 1974, a coded message consisting of 1679 bits was sent from the Arecibo Radio Telescope towards M13 cluster. 

All these and many more attempts went in vain. We have not received any reply from their side. It might be possible that they didn’t understand our messages or they didn’t receive the signals either. The event is open to interpretations. Tell me what are your thoughts, down below.

Are aliens a threat to us? 

It depends on the purpose of their visit. What can be the purpose of aliens visiting us? The possible reasons can be any of the following: -

1. For resourcesThey can visit us to take resources like minerals, metals, etc. to their home planet. This is highly unlikely to be the reason. It is because all of the resources present on Earth are also present on different parts of the solar system. Why would they come so far to get those resources? 

2. For negotiation – another reason could be to negotiate with the government. This is also not likely, as if it were the reason they would have tried to communicate. But we have not seen any such cases. It might also be possible that they are studying our behavior and would communicate soon. This is just a hypothesis. 

3. To controlThis is the potential reason that aliens want to rule over us. It can be possible they want us to be slaves and serve them.

4. To sharethis is also the probable reason that they want to share their technology with us and save humanity from extinction

There can be any reason of their visit. These 4 are most probable of them all. What do you think about this let me 

The possibility of alien’s visit is not zero. The multiverse is so big that there can be intelligent life like us or more powerful and advanced than us. As far as our knowledge about the universe is concerned, the alien life can be light years away from us. So, it would take them light years of time to reach us if they travel at the speed of light. Let’s wait and watch, whether we are right about the aliens or we are all alone in the multiverse.

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  1. Day by day we are(human) developing, may be in future we can do that by the help of advanced technology. Hope so...👍👍👍🔥

    1. Yeah ...... I m optimistic ..... We will definitely Doo ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Great! but you forgot the crash of UFOs in Roswell and Kapustin Yar! Btw AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

    1. Today's was basic ....... I have kept those for the next one

    2. BTW thanks ❤️❤️
      Keep sharing and keep supporting 😍

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This was amazing. Hoping to see more on this topic. There are endless reports and researches on this.Some are revealed and some are still hidden from the public. However, nothing can be concluded. Great facts though. keep up the good work. 👌

    1. Thankyou so much ❤️🥰

      I am planning for more posts on this topic 😀

      Keep sharing and keep supporting 😊😀😊😀😊

  5. Amazing ....a lot of there to know..💓💓

    1. Thankyou ❤️

      Keep sharing and keep supporting 😍😍


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