M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical...

Artificial Intelligence our common Friend of Enemy ?? | Artificial intelligence: a threat? | How AI works?

When we hear the term “intelligent”, we think of humans because we are the most intelligent being known to us. This is the reason why we try to mimic our intelligence and have become successful up to some extent. That intelligence designed by humans is called Artificial intelligence or simply A.I. We are surrounded by artificial intelligence but we don’t even realize A.I. has revolutionized our lifestyle and has proved to be very helpful. 
Artificial intelligence

Let me give you some examples of A.I. around us: -
• When we scroll Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or any other platform, we see the post, videos or the topics in the home page that we like the most or have searched or  have watched recently. Why do this happen? My dear friend its because of a kind of A.I. 

• The google assistant, Apple’s Siri and many such virtual assistant are also a result of A.I. which is designed to recognize the pattern of instructions we give and act accordingly. It learns the pattern and after sometime act even if the instructions are not given. 

• The games we play like PUBG, chess and many more games in which we play against the computer have A.I. 

• You must have realized that when you file a complain in Amazon, Flipkart or such website, there is a chat service which chats with you, that chatbot is also an A.I. 

There are many more such things where artificial intelligence is found and we use it regularly like the face lock or the autogenerated Caption in YouTube, all these are result of artificial intelligence. 

we have heard many times that A.I. can take over the world and will rule humans. How far is this true? When can we know that now is the time that A.I can surpass humans? How do A.I. work? And many more questions will be answered today. 

How can we know when to become aware of artificial intelligence? 

There are some tests and theories made to decide when to become aware of A.I. I will discuss some of the popular and affective theories and test today. 

1. Intelligent explosion 

It is a hypothetical concept and has not been confirmed. It is large, rapid, uncontrollable and irreversible growth of technology. This is when artificial intelligence will become more general, more capable, quicker and more efficient than human. This is the alarming situation. If this is passed unchecked then it will be impossible to stop the A.I. from ruling us. 

This is not uniform, at first the growth will be slow but eventually the rate will increase exponentially. Each generation of A.I. will be more advanced than the previous one. A.I. will develop the self-improvement cycle. 

2. The Turing Test 

It is a test to determine How intelligent an A.I. is? In simple words, can Artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence? In this test there are 3 rooms separated from each other. One room contains A.I, the other room a human and the 3rd room the judge. The job of A.I as well as human is to prove itself intelligent than the other. The judge is there to decide who is smarter. There is a condition that all of them are unaware who is human and who is artificial intelligence. 

A movie named Ex machina is based on the Turin Test and the climax scene is unbelievable where the Artificially intelligent robot becomes successful in fooling the questioner. It fools him and escapes from the place. It also uses emotions to manipulate him.  

The objective of the test is to determine whether the A.I. can think like humans or not. If machine becomes successful in convincing the judge that it is human, the test is passed and A.I. is declared more intelligent than human. The chat bot Eugene Goostman passed the Turing Test in 2014. 

There was some criticism against the Turing Test. The test gave good results if the questions were in “Yes” or “No” format. But if the question were kept open ended then the result was very poor. Critics of the test argued that the machine passed the test by manipulating and fooling the judge. They say we should focus more on improving the Human-machine interaction than in determining who is more intelligent. This criticism gave rise to another test. 

3. Lovelace test 

This test is more rigorous than the Turing Test. This test is designed to test the human like creativity in machines and leave no scope for manipulation. It was designed in early 2000s by Bringsjord. The machine passes the test if it produces something it was not designed to produce. In simple words, if the machine creates something original by itself it is declared to pass the Lovelace Test. 

This is the warning signal for humans. If the machine can produce something by its own then it can soon become dangerous to us. 

4. Winograd Schema Challenge 

This test was designed by Hector Levesque. This test is different from the Turing Test as well as from the Lovelace Test. It is designed to test the machine by asking some multiple-choice questions which are of very specific structure and require common sense as well as reasoning to be solved. Unlike Turing Test, there is no need of human judge. It can be used to test different domains. 

This test if cleared by any machine then it is an indication that the machine can reason and is an expert in particular domain which should be an alarming situation for humans.  

Here a big question comes to my mind How do A.I. function? What are the methods that make A.I. so powerful and intelligent? 

How do A.I. work? 

There are several components which are combined together to make an effective and quick A.I. I will discuss some of the main components here and state their applications. 

1. Machine learning 

This is ability of machines to learn automatically and improve itself from experience like we humans do. It works on the algorithms which analyze the data and make predictions based on it. The aim is to allow computer to learn by its own without human assistance.
It is used in: 
• Recommending like YouTube recommends videos based on our searches and interest, amazon recommends products to purchase and many more such things 
• Google map uses this to find the best route for us to reach the destination 

2. Deep learning 

It is a part of machine learning which creates the artificial neural network. It is an attempt to copy the biological neural network that we have. It creates a self-educating machine which works by imitating the processes followed by human brain to learn things by its own. The main focus is on creating pattern and using it to make decisions. 
Deep learning
It is used in: 
• Face recognition like FaceApp, our phone security 
• Detecting objects like google lens does 
• Speech recognition like the virtual assistants do 

3.  Neural network 

It learns by the process training example. In simple words, it analyses the data many times and finds the connection between them. There are a series of algorithms designed to recognize the relationship in different sets of data and then generates the best possible result.
It is used in: 
• Financial services for many different tasks
• Forecasting of weather, threats, etc. 
• In risk assessment 
• In marketing 

4. Cognitive computing 

It initiates and improves the interaction between human and machine. It simply recreates human thought process by understanding human language and meaning of images. The simulation of human thought process can assist us in finding the solution to complex problems. 
It is used in: 
• Customer service 
• Health care 
• Virtual Reality 
• Robotics 

5. Natural language processing 

This allows computer to interpret, recognize and produce human language and speech. It involves reading, understanding of spoken and written language through the medium of computer. It is very useful for computers to understand the voice commands. 
It is used in:
• Translator like that used in Skype
• Autogenerated captions like that in YouTube, google meet, etc.

6. Computer vision 

This is helpful in understanding images, graphs, tables, pictures, videos, text in different documents. It basically identifies, processes and interprets visual data. Computer vision works on how computer can gain high level understanding from visual data. 
It is used in: 
• Medical diagnose by analyzing the X-ray 
• In scanning software like adobe scanner, camscanner, etc. 
• The image searching apps like google lens

These are the basic and most important strategies or we can say components of Artificial intelligence. By combining 1 or more components an effective AI is built. 

Soon artificial intelligence will become more common and a part of our day to day life. Today also artificial intelligence is everywhere around us. If we keep a track of the functions and works that AI do then we can avoid the harms that AI is believed to cause us. 

Did you find this information useful? Let me know in the comments below. This was a small attempt to give the basic idea about the vast topic. If I get a positive response I will come up with the same topic in the upcoming weeks. 

What do you think Can AI control us?? 

Robots and AI 

Is teleportatation possible ?

Are Aliens real?? 

What is the Truth about Bermuda Triangle? 

Do Parallel world exist? 

1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity
2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/searchenterpriseai.techtarget.com/definition/Turing-test%3famp=1
3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/pgaany/forget-turing-the-lovelace-test-has-a-better-shot-at-spotting-ai
4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winograd_Schema_Challenge
5. https://www.innoplexus.com/blog/how-artificial-intelligence-works/
6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/expertsystem.com/machine-learning-definition/amp/
7. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/deep-learning.asp
8. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/neuralnetwork.asp
9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/searchenterpriseai.techtarget.com/definition/cognitive-computing%3famp=1
10. https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/online-marketing/online-sales/how-does-natural-language-processing-work/


  1. Such a Great Content Sir.
    Keep it up.
    We want more like these

    1. Thankyou so much ❤️ Keep reading 🤗 and i will try to bring more and more content ❤️

  2. Good job bro, this blog includes more valuable information about the science and technological facts. Keep it up.

  3. You should do research on"the life and death cycle" by both spiritual and scientific point of view.

    1. Good topic ...... I will try to write something on it ❤️ thanks for the suggestion 😍

  4. I have a little bit idea about A.I
    thank you so much for the broad concept Ya I wish hum A.I k gulam na Bane .

    1. You're most welcome ❤️...... I wish the same ☺️

  5. Excellent brother keep doing great oaks from little acorns grow


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