M-Theory | how to test string theory | dark matter | dark energy | Wormhole

In the last post on “ string theory ” we discussed many things like the super symmetry, higher dimensions, strings, need for the theory of everything, different versions of string theory and many more. I request you to first read the previous post and then read this because this is the continuation of it.  There are many different string theories and that’s a big problem. We need only one theory that can explain everything in the universe. Today we will discuss such an attempt named M-Theory. We will also discuss how string theory explains blackhole, dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, etc. How to test the string theory? And many more things… But before that we need to know… What are branes?  String theory takes into account the 1-Dimensional strings but the M-theory takes branes into consideration. Branes are the fundamental basis of nature but with higher dimensions than strings. Branes can be any dimensional starting from 0 to 9 dimensions.  Branes can have electrical charge as wel

This is how Artificial Intelligence can Change our life | Amazon Go | AI teacher

Artificial intelligence has started to influence our life. Till now the influence is positive but who knows in the future it may become negative towards us. Everywhere around us there is artificial intelligence may it be your mobile’s face lock or social media like Instagram. That is the reason why it is estimated that the Artificial intelligence will contribute 15 trillion dollars in the global economy by 2030. 
In the next few minutes, I will be sharing with you the sectors which can be improved by the use of artificial intelligence. Some of the sectors are already using A.I. to improve themselves but some are on the way to use. 

I promise you will be surprised to know how the world will look in the next few years with the use of Artificial intelligence. 

Let’s get started…

Role of A.I. in shopping 

After the arrival of online shopping portals like Amazon, our shopping experience has changed drastically. But those stores are virtual and not real. That is the reason why physical stores are being opened by the online product selling companies all around the globe like Amazon Go. 

The stores are completely backed by A.I. and no human is needed. You go to the shop, pick any item and go back to your house, the bill will be sent to your email. HOW

The store takes into use the Artificial intelligence and technology. The store consists of many sensors that keep track of the items you pick and counts them. Then an artificial intelligence adds them to your bill and when you exit the shop the bill is sent to you through email. There are many such shops present in big cities of the world and soon these shops will be a common thing in different parts of the world. 

When we go to buy any cloth item, we try many cloth pieces before purchasing any one. That process is time taking and there are many more problems. In order to solve this, we can use Artificial intelligence. If you want to try any clothes, you need A.I. to scan your body and the A.I. generates your virtual copy. That virtual copy, which is exactly like you, will try the clothes and you can decide easily which one to purchase and which one to reject. This is similar to what Lens kart does while giving us virtual trial option for power glasses. 

There are many attempts going on to prepare a smart kitchen. What is it? It is kitchen which can do many things by its own. One of the features is that it can order groceries and many essential items by its own based on the past usage of the item. For example, it can order particular vegetable based on preference and the amount consumed. 

The online shopping takes A.I. into use immensely. Ever wondered why you see the same or similar products that you searched on these online shopping websites? This is because they are programmed for the same. The searches you make are recorded based on the frequency and the amount of time you spend. Then the A.I. analyses the data and shows you the most suitable product everywhere. 

The websites use chatbots (kind of AI) to improve our shopping experience. These chatbots are used to solve our problems, answer our queries, identify new opportunities and to better understand consumer behavior based on the data. A.I. consistently keeps track of the searches we make, the products we order, the quantity of product we purchase and many more things. 

Data plays an important role here. The search information, visual similarity, keywords and many more things play an important role in recommending the products to us. Amazon, which is one the biggest online selling website, predicts in advance which geographical area will be needing which product based on the data it has. That’s the role of A.I. in shopping. What if the world becomes driverless? 

verless world 

There are many vehicles which have parking assistant that help the driver while parking. It is not too far that A.I. will become a complete well-equipped driver. But before giving full control to A.I. it needs to work as an assistant for the real human driver and learn things like an intern does. After that if the driver gains confidence in AI, A.I. can be given full control.  

The algorithms can be fed with data from the sensors, GPS, Radar, cameras, Cloud services and Lidars (Light Detection and Ranging). This data can be analyzed by A.I. and used according to the need. There is no scope of error. Artificial intelligence can navigate through traffic and also handle complex situation that can arise while driving. 

Driverless trains and metros are already in action. The big giants like amazon and Walmart are investing billions for the development of automated drones. Elon musk’s Tesla motors has already prepared semi-automatic cars and is researching to make the cars fully driverless. These can be used in defense which can save precious life of many soldiers and fighters. Would you like to go to the hospital if your doctor is an AI? 

Artificial intelligence in healthcare industry 

Doctors are treated equal to god. But these gods are also humans with limited presence and prone to errors. Here comes A.I. into play. The combination of machine learning and deep learning, A.I. can gain information, process it and give well defined output. 

The use of A.I. in healthcare industry can make it cost effective and accurate. There can be better prediction of treatment as most of the diseases are treated based on the symptoms they show on the body of the infected individual. Artificial intelligence can help better prevention of the diseases. 

There are many apps which give medical consultancies. You need to give the symptoms that you see in your body. The A.I. then compares the details with the health database and also the user’s health history. Based on all these, the A.I. then recommends the best suitable plan. 

In 2018, a paper was published that showed artificial intelligence can detect cancer better than human doctor from the images of the internal scans of the individual. Image interpretation are taken into account to note the changes in the medical scans that are missed by human doctor. 

There are many chatbots that can help you relieve the psychological stress. The chatbot tried to imitate human like behavior. Humans can relieve more than half of the stress just by sharing thoughts with human alike chatbot. What if your future teacher is artificially intelligent robot? 

Artificial intelligence in education 

There is shortage of more than 5 lakh teachers in the elementary schools of India. More than 14% of the government schools don’t even have a minimum of 6 teachers. These problems can be solved if we use A.I. as assistant along with the human teacher. 

Artificial intelligence can increase the efficiency, give personalized teaching and built an easy to understand process. By using AI, we can focus on the need of individual student which can help in treating students differently based on their learning capability. 

There are many things that can be done by A.I. alone without the assistance of any human. Lots of time is needed in checking the class test and the homework of the students. Despite of giving so much time the results are not at all satisfactory. Here A.I. can be employed which can check and analyses the homework and find problems faced by the student. The problems can be used by A.I. to find a better way to improve to student’s performance. A.I. can help in learning, testing and giving feedbacks to the students that can help them improve themselves. With the use of A.I. students can be handled and managed easily. 

A.I. can also allow to organize an universal learning environment. There are many students who have to go to such places where the language is different from what the student usually speaks. This creates difficulty for the student. This problem can be solved by creating universal classroom that allow teaching in the personal language of the student with the help of A.I. There is small part of this process carried out today also which can be improved eventually. The popular apps like PowerPoint, google meet, skype have included an option of auto generated caption that allows individual to learn in its personal language.  

A.I. can also simplify the admission process. Most of the work done during the admission process is repetitive and can be done by artificial intelligence. 

Artificial Intelligence in Travel and navigation 

When you get stuck in any place what app do you use? Most probably your answer is Google Maps. When you insert the name of the place you want to reach from your present location, the app recommends you the best possible route for your journey. How do google know?  It also uses AI. We don’t even realize what’s happening in that such small fraction of time. The app processes thousands of data and then shows the best route. The app that give the real time traffic data to the users also process large amount of data in small amount of time. 

When you book a vehicle or flight ticket, you interact with the artificial intelligence. The type of vehicle based on input, the available seats, prizing and many more things are decided by artificial intelligence. After the vehicle is booked, A.I. sends the information about the booking to the driver of that particular vehicle. 

Did you know almost daily you get a message from an A.I.? 

Artificial intelligence in banking 

Whenever you do any transaction you get a text message from the concerned bank. Who sends you the message? It is artificial intelligence that keeps track of all your transactions and sends you message based on your activities. 

Artificial intelligence also helps in detecting fraud, money laundering threats and many more things based on the previous data it has gathered, the volume of transaction and some more factors. 

Artificial intelligence understands and helps in improving the consumer experience with the bank by analyzing the data. A.I. can also provide optimal solution for many complex problems. 

These are few major and most popular applications of artificial intelligence. If I have missed any sector or anything let me know in the comments below. 

Thankyou for reading 
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  1. 👍Very informative and interesting posts keep sharing with us


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